Disclaimer for Destination App as of 2/16/2024


Welcome to Destination App! This mobile application, developed and maintained by Shafil Alam, operates as a frontend to the “Passio GO! (TM)” or TransLoc service utilized by transportation agencies. Please carefully review this disclaimer before using the app.

App Description:

Destination App is designed to provide users with a variety of features, including the ability to track buses or shuttles operated by transportation agencies. The app achieves this functionality by making API calls to Passio GO! (TM) or TransLoc servers, depending on the agency selected by the user.

Limited Control Over Data:

Please note that Destination App solely reads data through API calls to Passio GO! (TM) or TransLoc servers. As the sole creator of the app, Shafil Alam has no control over the data provided by these services. Therefore, neither Destination App nor Shafil Alam can guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the information displayed in the app.

Community Reporting Feature:

Destination App includes a community reporting feature that allows users to submit reports for specific stops or entire transit agencies. Users should understand that the data provided through this feature is user-generated and does not necessarily reflect the views or data provided by Destination App, Passio GO! (TM), TransLoc, or the respective transit agencies. Destination App is not responsible for any damages, liability, or other issues arising from the use of this data. The app employs tactics to prevent spam and allows users to report inappropriate messages. Destination App reserves the right to review and remove messages as needed to maintain a positive user experience.

Separation of Social Aspect:

It is important to note that the social aspect of Destination App is separate from its core features. To use the social part of the app and create posts with an account, users must be 13 years of age or older. Children younger than 13 may still access and utilize the core features of the app but are restricted from the social functionalities. An account is required to create posts but not for accessing core features.

Legal Advice:

This disclaimer is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Users are encouraged to review and comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using Destination App.

By using Destination App, you agree to accept and abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this disclaimer. If you do not agree with these terms, please refrain from using the app.