Contact us

Please note that the developer is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by transit agencies. Users should verify info. While the developer is not responsible for the accuracy of the data, you can contact us so we can contact the appropriate data provider. You can also refer to our FAQ for answers to common questions. Feel free to contact the developer for any support, issues or feedback. Use the following email addresses for support.

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App Email

[email protected]

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Website Email

[email protected]

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Dev Email

[email protected]


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What should I do if I encounter incorrect information?
A: If you notice incorrect information, such as wrong ETA or bus location, feel free to send an support email. Please note that the developer is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by transit agencies. Users should verify info.
Q: I encountered a bug in the app. How can I report it?
A: We apologize for any inconvenience caused by bugs. Please report the issue by contacting the developer or using the feedback option within the app. Be sure to provide detailed information about the bug and steps to reproduce it.
Q: Why are there ads in the app?
A: Ads help fund the development of the app and keep it free for everyone. You can support the app by tipping to help fund development or buy the remove ads package.
Q: What should I do if a transit agency is missing from the app?
A: If a transit agency is missing, you can reach out to us with the agency’s information. We’ll do our best to add it to the app.
Q: What if the app is slow or unresponsive?
A: If the app is slow or unresponsive, try closing and reopening it. If the issue persists, please report it to the developer or use the feedback option within the app.
Q: Why are not all features available?
A: Some features are not available yet and are coming soon. You can help fund the development of these features and get early access to them.